Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thank you and See you Again Soon, I hope

Hello, Everyone!

What a pleasure it has been to be a part of this class, Introduction to Social Media.

It's hard to believe we have been together for a full three weeks now. Remember those first few days when we did our introductions? Then we started seeing each other through RSS feeds, Facebook, and LinkedIn, not to mention Angel every day. And think about how much each of us has changed and grown in the past 21 days.

Alex and I were discussing this and we decided since we were always asking you for your reflections and what you had learned, we thought it would be fun to do the same for you.

I'd have to say the learning that had the biggest impact on me was how quickly each and every one of you jumped in, got your feet wet, explored, learned, and then shared your learnings about social media with the rest of us. I am struck by how quickly you embraced and then acted on what you learned. It was truly inspiring. I want you to know that if you ever wondered if your reflections and posts are impacting your instructors, the answer is a resounding YES!

And it's a very good thing you learn so quickly because, you see, we are all in the same boat. Oh, some of us have dabbled and played with social media longer than others, but change and learning will always be a big part of this process. We will never learn it all and thank goodness for that. I think something to keep in mind as we all go forward is to have a sense of wonder, adventure, and curiosity--especially during those times when we're frustrated because we just can't figure out how something works! (Or maybe it's only me who feels that way at times...but I don't think I'm the only one.)

I want to wish you the best as you move forward. I know a number of you are graduating this June so my congratulations. Those of you who will be at Marylhurst University for awhile yet, enjoy.

You may remember on our initial blog post, one of the assignments was to friend Alex and me on Facebook. You may "unfriend" or "defriend" us now if you like, or if you'd like to stay connected, then I support that option to. I'd like that.

It's been a privilege to connect and converse with each and every one of you. Thank you so much.

All my best,

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